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Priesthood Leadership Development Initiative Inc.
We are people driven by a deep faith in the Gospel and the need to drive this gospel to the ends of the earth and we are passionate about financing the gospel like nothing else matters
Registered Members
Who We Are
PLDI is a network of leaders in the Christian world, secular society, and corporate organizations working together to raise the standard of world leadership and governance.
As is said; a conductor is as good as his orchestra, so an organization is as good or bad as those leading it. At PLDI we believe all organizations have potential for growth and success, the key is effective leadership. Society needs leaders at all levels, men and women who are willing not only to do things right but to do right things.
What We Do
PLDI operates in over 48 countries and still counting. Our global network helps individuals, organisations in these countries to develop leadership skills consistent with our Bible based values. Since 2014, PLDI has strictly defined its strategies to passionately win souls into the kingdom of God by raising the standard of Stewards of Grace beyond pulpit knowledge and apply their knowledge to the situation of their followers.
From the middle and to level managers, to administrators, business and professional executives, the singular goal is to continuously nurture and promote a wide range of value-based-development programs and initiatives through our leadership conferences.